Dat Personal Blog of Sally Daskunk

Things are about to get... stinky.

9/22/2024: Hello World! I am a skunk!

Hello my fellow readers! Allow me to introduce myself. My name in the real world is "Kayla H." But, you can call me by my fursona name: Sally Daskunk.

I know that I have been on this site for 2 months without updating anything, (A lot of stuff just kinda happened in real life.) but I am ready to finally start my journey to reclaim my digital identitdy from the greedy hands of the major social media sites that is slowly ruining the internet experience. (I know that sounds harsh but trust me; its well justified.)

Here are 10 things you may not know about me!

  • I am currently in my early 30's. "Thats right, Im a 90's baby!"
  • Im a skunk furry. Relax!...Im one of the "sane-ish" ones. ...but I still hold many secrets :3
  • I just finished animation school. You can find some of my work here.
  • Im exploring web development and design. "Who knows? This could be my future job/side gig."
  • Ive been playing pokemon since 1997. "I saw pikachu came to shore and walked on stage! Who the *meow* are you?!" (This was an old internet joke.)
  • I used to be in culinary but I decided to get away from the choas of burning salmon and mentally breaking.
  • Im nerodivergent...and Trans (MtF)...and non-binary at the same time...So thats a thing.
  • I grew up in Chicago. (AKA the Windy City). "Its more like the subburbs of chicago...but it still counts."
  • I have size 15 feet...Im starting to run out of ideas.
  • I met Tony Hawk once in Canada. He was weird but nice.
  • So with that out of the way: let me tell you about one of my biggest goals on this website. Not only do I want to learn a new skill and explore a new hobby, but I also want to give my digital identity and my artwork a "proper home".

    A Quick Little Story

    I had an epithany one day while scrolling insigram. I came to the realization that my artwork dosnt really belong on some big company's feed. My artwork is not made to gather likes or casually ignored by the masses. My artwork needs to be in the space online to "just breath". I want to give my content a place to just exist and not be drowned by millions of other posts from random people.

    I know it dosnt make sense at the moment but I think over time; people would come to understand why I made this site.

    ...for now. I think its best to just to sit back, relax and watch my journey of creating my new digital home.

    via GIPHY